About Steve Berg

A Northwest native, Steve majored in automotive engineering while in college and later served in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam. Steve was first employed selling and commissioning boats for new owners and became adept at rigging sailboats and setting up mechanical systems. Steve later established a successful career as a contractor building fine homes and completing remodels in the Port Townsend area for 20 years. Steve is also a sailboat owner and has done lots of bluewater cruising and repairing of his vessel in exotic places.

Having been involved with boating for thirty-five years and with training in rigging, engine mechanics, electronics, marine electrical systems and boat construction, Steve is uniquely qualified to practice the science of marine surveying.  Steve did his marine surveying apprenticeship with Dick Obritz of Northern Marine Surveys and is now in business for himself.  He is a member of The Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors® as an Accredited Marine Surveyor, #984. Additionally, he is a member of the American Boat and Yacht Council®. Steve passed the ABYC® Standards Accreditation Course and has received Board approval to be listed on the ABYC® website as a member of their National Registry of Accreditation. Through ABYC®, Steve is Standards Certified, Systems Certified, Electrical Certified and Corrosion Certified. He is also a member of the International Association of Marine Investigators.


Steve welcomes customer involvement when a vessel is being surveyed.  He knows that personal involvement in the survey will enable his client to know his vessel from the inside out as well as the outside in.  He will survey both sail and power vessels of wood, fiberglass laminate, or metal construction.

Please call 360-301-6879 for more information and rates.